Daily Planets Friday 31/12/10 A Year in Review


I have been doing pretty well faff all today…& it has been delightful. Back to work on Tuesday, but in the meantime I have pretty well gone from lying on the lounge & some meaningful catching up of TV programs I had taped to lying on a pool lounge floating around the pool with a book.

I know I should be thinking about goals & stuff & sort of have been, but am not getting real far.

I read a great post in Tiny Buddha this morning about how resolutions can’t work because they address only the symptoms of whatever needs to change. It’s a pretty cool concept.

On the recap viewpoint, I have had a major Jupiter say yes year…I pretty well said yes to everything that got thrown my way- regardless of whether I wanted to or not.

So now, before Mercury goes direct, the highlights:

  • New York New York in February- seriously the most amazing place I have been & to see it in the snow was just too good.
Times Square on a blizzardy February morning- Pic by me
Times Square on a blizzardy February morning- Pic by me
  • Watching the top of the table AFL clash at the MCG with 90,000 screaming others. I lost my voice- it was that good
  • Hong Kong at Easter. Sure I had to work. Sure I was on my own for Easter & it was hard hard hard & more lonely than I can say, but that just got me out & about even more than usual. One of the most vibrant cities & home to the worlds best dumplings :). Even my mishap in Macau was fun in retrospect.
Hong Kong- Pic by me
Hong Kong- Pic by me
  • Finishing the 1st draft of my novel. I am a Writer.
  • Cruising the South Pacific with my family in July- next time I will take an ebook reader to save on luggage space.
The view from Deck 9
The view from Deck 9
  • Getting this blog- the ramblings of a totally chaotic Pisces mind- into the list of Top Astrology Blogs…consistently- even after the rating system was changed.
  • So many many more wonderful things & people…you know who you are.

To the skies…the Moon will be in Scorpio through until mid morning Sydney time on New Years Day. Don’t let the intensity dampen your spirits too much, although it certainly isn’t a high spirited party Moon :). The square between Mars & Saturn is separating & Mercury will be direct. Of most interest is the final conjunction between Jupiter and Uranus for the next 12 years or so. My friend Kelly Surtees says this best:

“This aspect promotes creative brilliance and brings unexpected opportunities for growth. Getting out of your comfort zone never promised so much. Where are you prepared to experiment?”


Me in Central Park
Me in Central Park


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